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5 Myths About Hair Loss Debunked

Myths about what causes hair loss are everywhere.

At Bosley, we’re here to debunk some of the most common hair loss myths. In fact, while 40% of men over the age of 40 (and 50% of men over the age of 50) will experience some form of hair loss, none are due to the conditions listed below.

In this article, Dr. John P. Schwinning of the International Hair Surgical Group explains why these myths defy both logic and basic science.

Myth 1: Baldness comes from the mother’s side.

While the main cause of hair loss in both men and women is a genetic condition known as androgenetic alopecia, it’s not a hereditary trait confined to either parent. If your mother’s or father’s family has a history of baldness, you can inherit the gene and experience male pattern baldness or female hair loss. Read on to learn more about the relationship between hair loss and genetics

Myth 2: Wearing hats can cause balding.

Contrary to popular belief, wearing a hat doesn’t cause hair loss. You would need to wear your hat so tightly that circulation to the hair follicles was cut off. Typical day-to-day hat wearing will not cause hair loss.

Myth 3: Blow-drying, frequent hair washing and use of styling products can cause hair loss.

While excessive blow-drying and washing can damage the quality of your hair, turning it dry or brittle, normal use doesn’t cause hair loss. Similarly, hair coloring and styling products, when used as directed, have no effects other than those intended.

Myth 4: Cutting/shaving your hair will make it grow back thicker.

Your hair follicles are thicker at the base of the shaft than at the tip. So while cutting or shaving may make your hair appear thicker by contrast initially, as it continues to grow it will maintain the same thickness it had prior to cutting.

Myth 5: Brushing your hair is better than combing it and is good for follicle stimulation.

While combing your hair instead of brushing does reduce hair breakage and split ends, neither action will cause either hair growth or hair loss.

Get the facts

Bosley offers both surgical and nonsurgical hair loss solutions, including hair transplantation, low-level laser therapy caps, topicals and scalp micropigmentation. To learn more about your hair restoration options, download Bosley’s FREE guidebook, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. Or schedule a free consultation with a Bosley specialist today.

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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