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Can Bosley help restore my hair after cancer?

Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy, radiation and other forms of cancer treatment, and can be a shock, both mentally and physically, for those who are not prepared for complete hair loss. Usually hair loss will stop after the treatments have ended, allowing the hair to growth back after a period of time. However, in some cases it’s possible that the hair follicles have been permanently damaged and the hair will not grow back.

After consulting with your oncologist and doctors, hair restoration with Bosley may be a possibility. Hair restoration uses your real, existing hair and is usually a simple out-patient procedure. For more information about hair loss, you can make an appointment with a Bosley professional or visit our website at

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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