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Debunking 7 Myths for Hair Loss Awareness Month 2023

Note: Medically Reviewed by Bosley Medical Group

August is Hair Loss Awareness Month. And first off, we get it – for many men and women, hair loss is something they’re ALL TOO aware of.

While a receding hairline or a bald spot may be something you’d rather not call awareness to… what you may not know are important facts about hair loss, including how hair loss is caused and how you can reverse it. Understanding hair loss can help you get your real hair back in a permanent, natural way.

So to celebrate Hair Loss Awareness Month in 2023, we’re debunking seven of the BIGGEST hair loss myths we’ve encountered this year.

Get ready to learn the TRUTH about hair loss so you can know how to prevent and reverse it. (Plus, you just might learn something that will help you win one of our upcoming giveaways!)


Myth: Stress is the most common cause of hair loss.
Fact: Genetics are the most common cause of hair loss.

If you’ve recently started balding, chances are genes are to blame. Genetic hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male or female pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is progressive, meaning it is a permanent condition. It’s also the primary reason for hair thinning in 95% of hair loss cases among men. The only permanent solution for genetic hair loss is hair transplantation.

That being said, stress-induced hair loss is also very real and typically can be reversed by reducing or eliminating the cause of the stress.


Myth: You inherit hair loss only from your mother’s side.
Fact: You inherit hair loss from BOTH parents.

If you’ve started noticing your hair thinning, don’t yell at your mama. Another persistent myth is that hair loss in men is passed down from the mother’s side of the family, while hair loss in women is passed down from the father’s side. Truth is, the genes for hair loss are actually passed down from both sides of the family. If baldness runs in your mother’s or father’s family, you may inherit the gene and experience hair loss.

Those baldness genes may show up in different ways, at times skipping generations and even affecting siblings differently.


Myth: Most men don’t start losing their hair until their 50s or 60s.
Fact: The average age men start losing their hair is in their 20s.

Though it’s true that the likelihood of hair loss increases with age, male pattern baldness can start at any age. Most men start to experience the early signs of hair loss at around age 25. It’s later for women, closer to age 35. 

Myth: Wearing hats can cause hair loss.

Fact: Wearing hats doesn’t cause hair loss… in fact, some special hats can even prevent it!

Unless you’re into wearing a hat so tightly that it cuts off circulation to your hair follicles… wearing hats does not cause hair loss. 

The Bosley Revitalizer takes things a step further, using low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to treat genetic hair loss. It uses FDA-cleared laser technology to stimulate cellular activity and blood circulation to promote hair growth and prevent thinning. And it’s as easy as throwing on a hat!

Shop the Bosley Revitalizer here

Myth: Drying, washing, and styling your hair can cause hair loss.
Fact: Normal use of hair products does not cause hair loss.

Go ahead and style away. While excessive heat, washing, and styling can damage the quality of your hair and cause it to feel dry or brittle, when used as directed styling products and tools do not cause hair loss.


Myth: Cutting or shaving your hair will make it grow back thicker.
Fact: Cutting or shaving your hair will not make it grow back thicker, but it may seem that way at first.

We’ve all heard this one, right? Cutting or shaving your hair can make your hair look thicker by contrast at first since hair follicles are thicker at the base of the shaft than at the tip. But as your hair continues to grow, each strand will maintain the same thickness it had prior to cutting. 


Myth: Ozempic causes hair loss.
Fact: Hair loss may be a rare side effect of medications like Ozempic.

Hair loss can occur as a reaction to certain medications or medical conditions. Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro are newly popularized medications that may be prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes, lower blood sugar levels, and promote weight loss in certain patients. Some have experienced hair loss as a side effect. 

Many experts estimate that hair loss taking place after taking Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro is associated more with rapid weight loss and preexisting conditions rather than the drug itself. Regardless, hair loss is a rare side effect – most patients do not experience hair loss as a result of taking Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro. Learn more here.


Now You Know: Celebrate Hair Loss Awareness Month


Now that you’ve learned a thing or seven about hair loss, it’s time to put your knowledge to good use! If you’re ready to do something about your hair loss, schedule a free consultation with a hair restoration expert to discuss your options.

Feeling lucky? Every August, Bosley celebrates Hair Loss Awareness Month with great giveaways. Follow Bosley on Instagram for multiple chances to win!

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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