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Bosley Hair Transplantation – What You Should Know

Time marches on, so the saying goes…and for some, there is often a sense that time marches over us a bit roughly. While much ado is given to aging gracefully, that philosophy is rarely able to heft itself above the anxiety that signs of premature (or undesirable) aging (such as hair loss) can induce in many of us. Hair loss, often associated with those of mature years, can, and does, occur in people in their 20s. Whether someone is experiencing a receding hairline, or male pattern baldness, at 22 or at 52, developments in hair loss treatments have evolved to the point that hair loss need no longer be resigned to as inevitable and irremediable.

Fortunately, the comb over, toupees, and the host of less than desirable (and unconvincing) options that previously dominated the field, can be ditched for permanent (and realistic) hair loss solutions, such as hair transplantation. Even a decade ago, hair transplantation was not yet common practice. But advances in the development of hair transplantation technology have made this option for treating hair loss increasingly popular today. Hair transplantation remains the only solution that restores one’s lost hair. The other solutions may halt or slow down the progression of hair loss, but for a permanent solution to hair loss, surgical hair transplantation is the answer. And when hair transplantation is done by skilled and expert hands, the results are so natural-looking, no one would be able to tell that someone’s had the procedure done.

Bosley, the world’s most experienced hair restoration expert, began their work in the field in 1974. Bosley’s hair transplantation procedure, performed with state-of-the-art technology and under the physicians’ skill, artistry and experience in natural graft placements, offers permanent hair restoration with the most natural-looking results. Natural graft placements ensure that the patients’ restored hair grow in a pattern that mimics the natural hair growth.

A thorough consultation, in which a patient receives important information about the procedure (including a customized hair treatment report and scalp & hair analysis for the patient’s hair loss type) should precede any hair transplantation procedure to ensure that each patient fully understands the process and the results they can expect.

An overview of hair transplantation

Donor: Each patient’s own hair is used for the transplant, as the body will not accept a graft from another person without the intake of immune–suppressant drugs. In the case of a patient with an identical twin, one twin can donate hair to the other for transplantation. However, the likelihood is that twins will experience hair loss together, in which case they might wish to keep their hair for their own hair transplant procedure.

Donor areas: Hair loss follows a pattern in both men and women, which is referred to as “male pattern baldness” and “female pattern baldness”, respectively. These two forms of baldness tend to be focused on the front hairline (for men) and the crown (for men and women). This is why it is common to see hair on the sides and back of the head despite large bald spots in the front and crown areas in men. The areas containing healthy hair follicles are considered donor areas, where follicles are harvested and selected surrounding tissues are removed.

Let’s talk a bit about hair quality and its impact on the quality of hair transplantation. Hair density has a significant impact on the quality of hair transplants. Another consideration is hair texture. Hair found in the back of the head tends to be coarser than those in the crown and hairline areas. Coarse hair is bulkier and can be transplanted in larger quantities, making for an easier procedure. However, fine hair has the advantage of offering a more natural looking result. Wavy and curly hair can cover more area than straight hair. Selecting hair in a dense hair-producing region, and one that closely approximates the texture of the hair being replaced, can provide a more natural-looking result.

A number of factors determine the number of procedures that may be required, and these factors will vary from person to person. Factors include the extent of a patient’s hair loss, the amount of donor hair available, and patient expectations.

We hope we’ve shared some valuable information about hair transplantation. If you are experiencing hair loss and looking for effective hair restoration solutions, we recommend meeting with a Bosley professional to discuss your particular case. Bosley offers both surgical and non-surgical hair restoration.

For more questions, you can contact Bosley at 1-888-820-4247 or request a free information kit to learn more about surgical and non-surgical hair loss treatments from Bosley.

Learn More:

Bosley Results – Video Gallery

Hair Transplantation – FAQs

The Bosley Procedure

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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