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Turn to Bosley for Expertise in Hair Restoration – Robert’s Story

Sudden hair loss can be traumatic.  Out of nowhere, your appearance completely changes.  Robert knew he had a predisposition to baldness but that didn’t prepare him for how he would feel when it happened to him.  Fortunately he turned to Bosley for their expertise in hair restoration.

“Yeah, I thought I’d dodged the bullet.  I thought for sure I was the one that got lucky in the family, and then it just happened out of nowhere.  Bam!  One day I wake up and I’m looking at hands full of hair, and the drain is full, and I’m thinking what happened, what changed?  This was not a gradual thing.  It didn’t happen over a period of time – just a little here and a little there.  I looked in the mirror and I couldn’t even recognize myself.  I thought where did it all go, how did it happen so fast?  And actually where it really caught my attention was I was pumping gas.  I caught a glimpse of myself in the monitors overhead of the guy that was down below, and I thought man who’s that?  I had to look two or three times because I realized that old guy – that’s me.

So when it started to happen I immediately started wearing hats.  I would grab a hat and I wouldn’t be out the door without one.  I had a friend who kept trying to encourage me, saying look if you’re really that worried about it you’ve got two choices – you deal with it, or you shave your head.  And at one point I shaved my head, and I was a total cueball.  Wow, that’s not a very happy face, is it?  You want me to show this?  Even with my head turned down I can tell you that I was pretty bitter.  In my opinion, go to Bosley because they are by far the best, and I felt so comfortable that I wouldn’t even hesitate to recommend Bosley to someone else.  It’s no longer a bad hair day – everyday is a good hair day because everyday I’ve got hair!”

Not only will you get your hair back, but with Bosley you will receive a completely natural hairline restoration that is indistinguishable from the original hair.  This is the artistic difference Bosley is known for.  It all starts with a free consultation with a Bosley professional.

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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