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Should I Wear a Hat In The Sun?


Sunburn can occur within minutes of sun exposure, even though symptoms may not appear for several hours. While your hair mostly protects your scalp, the skin on your head is still vulnerable to burning. In fact, your scalp receives more direct UV exposure than any other part of your body simply because it is closest to the sun.

Applying sunscreen to your scalp at least 30 minutes before going outside can help protect against sunburn. You also want to remember to reapply the sunscreen every one to two hours and after swimming or sweating.

Wearing a hat outdoors is also great way to protect your hair, eyes, and skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. While you still need to slather your skin with sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, a hat can help give added coverage for the skin on your ears and neck. The wider or bigger the hat, the better!

Protecting your scalp from sunburn requires little time or effort. These 2 tips can save you a considerable amount of pain from the sunburn and reduce your risk of sun-related conditions, such as skin cancer.

What to do next?

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