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My Bosley Story: Matt Zipko

Every Bosley hair transplant has a unique story behind it. In this new series, we’re going beyond the before-and-after photos to highlight the emotional, physical, and personal transformation that happens when you get your real hair back. We sat down with Bosley patient Matt Zipko, who got an FUE hair transplant at the Bosley Chicago … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Ryan

When Ryan was young, he had really thick, black curly hair he always loved. So when he started losing his hair in his mid-20s, it hit him hard – and made him feel like was losing his youth along with his hair. He said, “It was kinda devastating because it showed a sign of age … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Brandon

Brandon is a doctor doing his residency in the Chicago area. He first noticed early signs of hair loss while in college. He said, “I started looking at the hairstyles of people in magazines at the barbershop and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get my hair to look like that. Then, as I … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Oscar

When Oscar started losing his hair 10 years ago, he felt pretty hopeless. He noticed his hair falling out every time he took a shower, he started wearing hats to cover up his thinning hair, he even avoided going outside on windy days in fear of his strategic hairstyles getting messed up. And though he … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Amir

Amir started noticing his hair loss in his mid-30s… once his friends started teasing him about it. Amir tried a lot of things to cover up or reverse his hair loss before he chose to get a procedure with Bosley. “Whenever I used to go out, I would cover it up with a hat. If … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Erick

Erick is a restaurant and bar owner in Chicago. His hair loss was gradual, but the change in his self-image once he started noticing it was not. “You lose confidence, almost instantly. It’s always in the back of your mind.” Erick knew Bosley existed – he’d seen the commercials – but he was skeptical about the idea … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Dee

Dee had been struggling with hair loss for almost 20 years before he finally decided it was time for him to do something about it. “I was shopping at a convenience store and there was a mirror right behind the cash register. I thought there was a lightbulb behind me, and I turned around and … Continued

Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Zak

Zack started noticing he was losing his hair as early as high school, though the thinning was gradual at first. But by the time he was in his mid-20s, his hair loss was considerable. Thinking back to that time, he said, “It doesn’t feel good when you’re in your 20s and you’re trying to look … Continued

Military Discount on Hair Transplants at Bosley

Bosley celebrates and honors those who serve in the armed forces by offering all active and retired military members a discount on hair transplantation services.  Over the years, we’ve helped thousands of veterans and active military personnel redefine their confidence. We’ve seen firsthand how restoring your hair can help you feel like yourself again.  Get … Continued

Bosley Patient Testimonial – Jerry L

Meet Jerry Jerry is an entertainer and musician. Jerry had Class 3 hair loss and came to Bosley to restore his hairline, his image and his confidence on and off the stage. “I have been in show business my whole life. I have toured with big artists like Ricky Martin, Mark Anthony, and I work … Continued

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