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Bosley Gives Back During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, Bosley made a pledge to once again join the fight against this deadly disease. For the past seven years, Bosley has partnered with the Susan G. Komen Foundation and other organizations and has managed to raise more than $200,000. With this financial contribution, we’ve demonstrated our ongoing commitment to support the mission towards breast cancer research, diagnosis and treatment.

This year we’ve exceeded our own expectations and raised more than $38,942 in contributions. This record-breaking number has made 2021 our best year yet! But we won’t stop there, we’ll keep our values close to our heart and continue to find ways to contribute and help those in need.

Breast Cancer Statistics

The most common cancer among women worldwide, breast cancer affects 1 in every 8 women in their lifetime in the U.S. While not as common among men, men are not immune to this type of cancer. Awareness is necessary regardless of gender because every 50 seconds a woman or man losses their own personal battle against breast cancer.

The Importance of Giving Back

Charities like Susan G. Komen get the majority of their funding through their charity walks or runs. Due to the pandemic, they have been greatly affected by the restrictions that prevented these social fundraising events from happening. We understand the reasoning behind keeping this important cause going and recognize that now more than ever, we need to step up and help in any way we can. At Bosley, we’re committed to helping the Susan G. Komen foundation succeed in its mission as we join the fight and help save lives.

Bosley Values

Good Works: We contribute to and show concern for our communities and environment. This is one of Bosley’s core values. Contributing and partnering with Susan G. Komen to make a difference, not only reminds us of this, but aligns us with what Bosley stands for. We give back to the communities we thrive in while taking the time to recognize and support a charity that’s dedicated toward creating a better future. In addition, a number of Bosley team members have had their own battles with breast cancer in the past. And with 75% of our staff being female, this cause hits close to home. So, we continue to contribute and support Susan G. Komen in any way we can.

How We’re Giving Back

Our Bosley Team found a number of ways to help contribute and show their support this October. Bosley donated a portion of its October revenue while individual team members made their own contributions. Bosley also made the promise to match employee contributions in an effort to provide even more support. But perhaps two of the most unique ways we gained momentum towards this fundraiser was through PTO contributions and the purchasing of branded merchandise.

Bosley & Susan G. Komen

Between 1989 to 2006, Susan G. Komen has helped to reduce breast cancer related deaths by 40%. They continue to be one of few organizations focused on breast cancer and making a difference every day through their research, community health services, global outreach and public policy initiative. They know what it means to continue the battle and understand that even one moment can change and save lives. For that and so much more, we honor them.

We recognize the importance of advocating for awareness and finding a cure for breast cancer. We took a personal initiative to support this fight along with our 450 Bosley team members. We’re proud to continue our contribution to such a worthy cause and promise to keep fighting next to these strong warriors for years to come.

What to do next?

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