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Bosley Patient Testimonial – Chuck I

Meet Chuck

Chuck is an IT analyst who says he became a “hat guy”. Chuck wore hats from morning until night to cover up his bald spots. Chuck decided to come to Bosley to help get his motivation back!

“I tried to cover up my bald spot with a hat. I became a hat guy. From the time I got up in the morning, until the time I went to bed, I had a hat or a beanie on my head. That is just how I felt comfortable. I didn’t want to sit in front of someone, I always felt like they were staring at my head. I had to do something to fix it. I just felt old.”

“Restoring my hair with Bosley was the single best choice I’ve made. With this hair I can go do anything I want to. I can go swimming. I can go cycling. I can go for a run. I can go to the gym. It is motivation to get off the couch.”

Lisa, Chuck’s wife said, “He didn’t want to be as active. He didn’t want to go to the lake. He didn’t want to go boating. He didn’t want to do all those things with our friends that we always got asked to do.”

“I believe my wife looks at me differently now. I know that she was skeptical before, but she is constantly giving me compliments, saying you are so handsome or this and that. She may have done it before but now I kind of feel like she means it a little bit more!”

“I don’t believe there is anybody out there that can compete with Bosley, with their technology and with the skill and caring they provide. You will look completely different.”

After meeting with a Bosley hair restoration specialist and learning about the different hair loss options Bosley offers, Chuck decided a Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT) would be the best option for him.

A FUT is a simple, one-day outpatient hair transplant procedure that works by restoring the hair in your thinning areas and hairline. Follicles are distributed evenly for a natural look and allows for maximum coverage.

Hair Loss Treatment Options

In general, there are two main types of hair loss treatments:

Hair transplantation procedures that can help you grow hair where you don’t have it anymore. This is typically the best option for men with more advanced hair loss.

Non-surgical treatments that are designed to help you keep the hair you have and helping you grow thicker, fuller, healthier hair. These are generally recommended for men with early-stage hair loss or those that who are trying to retain their existing hair.

How can you tell if you are really balding?

Many men notice their hair is thinning when a barber or stylist holds up a mirror to show them the back of their heads. If hair loss runs in your family and you want to keep an eye on the state of your hair, you might look out of these common signs.

How do I decide what is right for me?

We know that everyone’s hair loss is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

The next step is to set up a free consultation with a Bosley hair restoration specialist, just like Chuck did!

During your consultation, they’ll help you decide the best course of action based on your specific needs and individual goals.

We’ve been in the hair restoration business for over 45 years, we understand how important it is to feel confident, and your hair has a lot to do with that. We’re ready to help you take the next steps and help you get back what you have lost!


What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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