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End Thinning Eyebrows and Eyebrow Hair Loss

If your eyes are the windows to your soul, then your eyebrows are the frames. While a pair of full, well-shaped eyebrows can accentuate your facial features, thin or absent eyebrows usually have the opposite effect. Fortunately, it’s no longer necessary to live with thinning or absent eyebrows. Modern developments in eyebrow restoration, using a similar technique to hair transplantation, can modify the shape and thickness of your eyebrows, or can fill in sparse ones.


Eyebrow hair loss is common, but the causes differ from person to person. Reasons for thinning eyebrows include:

  • Genetic predisposition (much like for scalp hair loss)
  • Over-plucking
  • Lifestyle factors, such as stress or diet
  • Harmful chemicals, such as eyebrow bleach
  • Scarring in the eyebrow area
  • Effects of aging
  • Medical conditions, such as eczema or hypothyroidism

At Bosley, we’re the world’s most experienced hair restoration experts. We understand how eyebrow loss can affect your appearance and self-esteem. After years of performing eyebrow restorations, we’ve seen how drastically the procedure can transform one’s look and self-confidence. Eyebrows are more than simply hair — they’re part of your identity.


Bosley physicians restore thinning eyebrows by transplanting a small number of brow-like hair follicles from your head to the eyebrow region. This office procedure can be completed most often within two to three hours. Our physicians pay special attention to the eyebrow shape, so we can match your unique facial structure and original eyebrow shape to produce natural-looking results. The outcome: restored eyebrows that integrate seamlessly to create beautiful facial symmetry. Because everyone’s facial structure is unique, it takes a skilled physician to design an eyebrow that takes into consideration the thickness of your brow, the space between your eyebrows, and the length of the eyebrow in relation to the rest of your face. The skill and artistry of our physicians who perform our eyebrow restorations guarantee results so natural-looking, no one should be able to tell that you’ve had the procedure.


We offer three levels of eyebrow restoration: Eyebrow Touch-Up: This procedure is best if you’re simply looking to enhance the shape or fullness of your eyebrows. It generally requires 50-100 hair grafts to produce noticeable results. Eyebrow Enhancement: This option is ideal if you’re lacking sufficient eyebrow hair, especially if scarring is present that needs to be covered. A typical eyebrow enhancement involves 100-200 hair grafts. Full Eyebrow Restoration: This treatment is preferred if you have no remaining eyebrow hair due to over-plucking or genetic predisposition. Generally, just one procedure is sufficient to fill in the entire eyebrow area, which includes more than 200 grafts. If you’re ready to get started, then your next step is to discuss your eyebrow loss situation with one of our counselors and a Bosley physician. It’s important to first understand the factors contributing to your eyebrow loss. We will also help determine the number of grafts needed to get the results you desire. To learn more about your hair restoration options, download Bosley’s FREE guidebook, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. Or schedule a free consultation with a Bosley specialist today.  

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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