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Hair Transplantation Patient Testimonial – Amir

Amir started noticing his hair loss in his mid-30s… once his friends started teasing him about it.

Amir tried a lot of things to cover up or reverse his hair loss before he chose to get a procedure with Bosley. “Whenever I used to go out, I would cover it up with a hat. If I was going to a formal event, I’d do my hair a certain way. I tried shampoos, pills, all sorts of things. I was getting frustrated.”

That’s when Amir decided to find a permanent solution to his hair loss. “Once I learned I could do something about my hairline, I had to. Bosley was my number-one choice. They’re reputable, they have really good reviews. I went in for a consultation and after two weeks, I got my transplant.”

And as for Amir’s friends? “They’re bald and they’re asking me for advice. […] I say, go to Bosley, there’s a free consultation, and they’ll work something out according to your budget. They have flexible financing, the payments are so low that almost anybody can afford it.”

Learn more about Amir’s experience getting a hair transplant from Bosley.

What to do next?

To learn more about your hair restoration options and the average hair transplant timeline, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If you’re ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out what’s causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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