January Thrive in 2025 Offers

The History of Hair Transplant Surgery

While modern hair transplant surgery is a safe, effective and relatively painless way to achieve a permanent, natural-looking hairline, it took years of research and scientific breakthroughs to become the established hair loss solution it is today. The 1930s Hair transplant surgery as we know it originated in Japan in the 1930s as dermatologists worked … Continued

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

If you’re starting to research hair restoration as a solution to your hair loss, it’s normal to wonder “How long does a hair transplant last? Am I going to have to go back for surgery every few years just to maintain my transplanted hair?” The good news is that when performed by a trained, experienced … Continued

A New Option to Pay For Hair Transplants (and More)

In today’s marketplace, options for hair restoration are plentiful, but if you’re interested in a permanent solution that can provide a healthy, natural look, the only proven approach is hair transplantation. Once you’ve decided that hair transplantation from Bosley is the best choice, the next question becomes how to pay for the cost of treatment. … Continued

CareCredit Celebrates 10 Years of Partnership with Bosley

CareCredit, a leading provider of promotional financing for healthcare, announced their 10th year of partnership with Bosley Inc., a recognized leader in hair loss solutions and medical hair restoration. For the last decade, the partnership has helped patients get the hair restoration procedures they desire through consumer financing options. The Bosley and CareCredit relationship was … Continued

Hair Restoration Success Story: “I’ve got my Natural Hair Back”

The Bosley Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure utilizes the latest, minimally invasive hair transplant technology available. Bosley Artistry makes hair transplantation work like nature. John Berta is a Bosley FUE hair transplant patient. This is his story.   For John Berta, it started as it does for millions of men all over the world: a … Continued

Is Hair Linked to Career Success?

Increasingly, there is a perception that physical features such as hair can impact various areas of life, including one’s career. According to International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), more than 61.9% felt having more hair would help them be more “successful in getting a job or advancing their career.” Another study done by ISHRS … Continued

Turn to Bosley for Expertise in Hair Restoration – Robert’s Story

Sudden hair loss can be traumatic.  Out of nowhere, your appearance completely changes.  Robert knew he had a predisposition to baldness but that didn’t prepare him for how he would feel when it happened to him.  Fortunately he turned to Bosley for their expertise in hair restoration. “Yeah, I thought I’d dodged the bullet.  I … Continued

Can a Bald Person Receive a Hair Transplant?

If you’ve already experienced significant hair loss and balding, you might be wondering whether you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant. The good news is that as long as you still have a decent supply of donor hair (included in the horseshoe-shaped ring of hair that usually remains after balding), you can benefit from … Continued

Am I a Candidate For Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution to hair loss. It’s a relatively simple procedure performed on an outpatient basis that takes about a day to complete. Results are gradual and start to show about 6 months after the procedure. This would be 3 inches of growth, the same average growth rate as your non-transplanted … Continued

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