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Join the millions of men and women who have come to Bosley for answers to their hair restoration questions.

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Bosley patient John B before Before

John B.

I’m extremely happy with the Bosley FUE procedure. It allowed me to go in that morning, have the procedure, and go home that evening. I went out that evening with friends. It allowed me to carry on with my daily activities. I couldn’t be happier with my procedure.

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Bosley patient Edgar before Before

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

I’m so thankful that I had the FUE procedure at Bosley. I wanted to go with a company that had the latest and most advanced technology, and that decision ultimately came down to Bosley’s FUE. It’s really cliche to say, but it changed my life.

Watch Edgar's Story

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Bosley patient Wayne before Before

Actual Bosley Patient. Individual results may vary.

Going to Bosley was the best decision I ever made. It was so simple, I was at work the next day!

Watch Wayne's Story

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